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Many dogs could feel the benefit from physio, whether they are old or injured and need some TLC or if they are a fully fit athlete who is looking to move to the next agility grade.


What to Expect

Prior to your visit, a referral form must be completed by your vets for me to work with your dog. This gives me permission (required by law) and their history so I have a good idea before I start of any issues present.


Upon Arrival

Firstly, I like to meet your dog and start to form a bond whilst I chat to you about what they have been up to and your outcome goals. I will need a calm and quiet space to treat in and preferably with non-slip flooring such as carpet or a rug. I am happy to treat with or without you there and I can explain everything as I go if you wish.


Static Assessment

I will need to look at your dog from all angles to identify any abnormalities such as with posture, symmetry and conformation.


Dynamic Assessment

Next is the trot up. For this I require a handler and a suitable sized area, free from any potential hazards. This can be inside if there is a room long enough or we can pop outside for a better look. Here I observe their movement and may record videos for reference. 


Palpation Assessment

Finally I will have a thorough feel over your dog. In this stage I can identify issues within the musculoskeletal system, which can be worked on with treatment.


After my assessment I will make a treatment plan for the session and explain what I am going to do and why. A typical session consists of an dog sports massage combined with other manual therapies like myofascial release and acupressure. I will implement electrotherapies when necessary such as the laser and PEME.


Following our session I will provide a full summary of the consultation, highlighting key areas for improvement. Within the document will be a bespoke exercise plan targeting these areas for you to work on between physiotherapy appointments. Any home environment alterations will suggested also. A report will also be sent to your vet to update them on the findings of the session.

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