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Research Summary: INDIBA Radiofrequency for Thoracolumbar Pain

Accelerometric Changes before and after Capacitive Resistive Electric Transfer Therapy in Horses with Thoracolumbar Pain Compared to a SHAM Procedure.

Argüelles D, Becero M, Muñoz A, Saitua A, Ramón T, Gascón E, Sánchez de Medina A and Prades, M. 2020.

In 2020, Arguelles et al. studied 18 horses with thoracolumbar pain (back pain) to see if the application of INDIBA had an effect.

The study was split into two groups. One group had 4 sessions of INDIBA over two weeks. Whilst the other group was used as a control; they had the exact same treatment session but with the device turned off.

These horses were assessed before and after the study for thoracolumbar and epaxial (back) muscle pain by a certified surgeon and veterinary physiotherapist. They also underwent gait analysis with a 3D gait analyser.

The horses treated with INDIBA significantly improved in thoracolumbar pain and epaxial muscle pain scores. The control group had improved thoracolumbar pain but not muscle pain. The gait analysis revealed the treated horses had more power in the walk and trot, whereas the control had no change.

They concluded that horses with thoracolumbar pain could improve clinically and biomechanically when treated with INDIBA. Moving foraward, it could be a beneficial tool to improve locomotion and back flexibility in horses with thoracolumbar pain.

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